Computer Graphics of Cancer Cells

In this project, you will adapt computer graphics algorithms for use on cancer cells. In particular, you will develop a tool to measure the spatial correlations of signaling distributions defined on the irregular manifold that is the cell surface, or, alternatively, choose to work on another mutually agreed upon application of computer graphics to cell morphology.

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Deep Learning Deconvolution

Have you been impressed by the license plate recognition in the CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) TV series? Have you ever wondered how they do it? Similar tasks also exist in biomedical imaging, in which scientists try to enhance image quality or/and improve image resolution, to resolve sub-cellular structures. In this project we will use deep learning to perform image deconvolution.

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Spend your gap year developing state-of-the art microscopy tools to study biological processes such as the behavior of cancer cells in circulation. This project will be part of a group effort and involve systematic analysis of acquisition parameters, hyper-parameter optimization, 3D visualization, programming in Python, and advanced reconstruction algorithms including neuronal networks.

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